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All the birds!


A return guest of Pelangi is a keen bird watcher, and has spotted over 40 different species during thier visits.


Here's the list...and one day I'll add pictures too!



Little Pied Cormorant

Straw-necked Ibis

Black-shouldered Kite

Wedge-tailed Eagle

Sooty Oystercatcher

Masked Lapwing

Pacific Gull

Silver Gull

Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo

Pacific Black Duck

Brush Bronzewing

Little Corella

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo

Crimson Rosella

Red-rumped Parrot

Laughing Kookaburra

Superb Fairy-wren

White-browed Scrubwren

Yellow-rumped Thornbill

Brown Thornbill

Spotted Pardalote

Yellow-faced Honeyeater

White-eared Honeyeater

Little Wattlebird

Red Wattlebird

Crescent Honeyeater

New Holland Honeyeater

Golden Whistler

Grey Shrike-thrush

Australian Magpie

Pied Currawong

Grey Currawong

Rufous Fantail

Grey Fantail

Willie Wagtail

Little Raven


Pink Robin

Eastern Yellow Robin


Welcome Swallow

Common Starling

Red-browed Finch

House Sparrow

European Goldfinch

White-throated Needletail

Grey Goshawk (White phase)

These birds were spotted within 5km of Pelangi, over two weekends

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